Wim van Helden Renewable Heat provides advices on national as well as international level, to companies, research organisations and public authorities. We support our customers in every link in the chain from research and development to market strategy. Services that we provide are, for example:
Advice to research and development institutes concerning R&D programmes for new materials and technologies
Advice to public authorities for the creation of an R&D strategy and of incentive programmes for renewable energy
Search for, and introduction to strategic collaboration partners
The initiation, support and co-ordination of project acquisitions
The initiation and co-ordination of projects for the application and integration of renewable energy systems in buildings
Strategic advice to companies, amongst others about: product development/technology roadmapping, technical potential, cost analysis, market studies, et cetera.
Next to this, organise and give presentations and courses to help increasing the knowledge of renewable heat and broaden its support, both internal and external. Examples of these are a webinar on compact thermal energy storage, and a university course on thermal energy storage.
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